June 11 firing

Here are some pieces from my latest firing.

Recent work

I’ve managed to change the elements on my kiln and am on my second cone 10 firing in a few days. Here are some pictures of my last firing before having replaced the kiln elements and pieces of my most recent firing. The Guelph potters market and Ottawa Signatures are both behind me, I am now pricing and packing for the Canadian Museum of History Christmas Market and Ottawa Originals Christmas Craft Show. Hope to see you at one of them!

The New Art Festival

I have been squirreling away at making pots. Here are some pics of a nutters job. I will be taking most of these along with me to the New Art Festival in the Glebe this weekend. Hope to see you there

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Back from the dead

I am back home after a 10 day stay in the hospital for pneumonia and influenza. I was in-tubed and put into a coma on January 26th and transported to Hull hospital as they had better respirators. I spent 4 nights there in the ICU before being transported back to the Shawville hospital ICU. I have never been this ill in my life and would wish this on no one. I am really weak at the moment and will likely be like this for the next 3 weeks. To anyone waiting on orders I apologize but they’ll get done when they get done. I am taking it easy and will make getting better my priority for the time being. I am very thankful to the staff of the Shawville hospital for their care.

January 5th 2019

My soon to be 3 year old son has locked the cat in the bathroom again. It’s winter here in Campbell’s Bay, Quebec, Canada and I’ve never been much of a fan. I did manage to get outside today to make a snowman with Theo, the snow was sticky and it was a mild 2 Celsius, the sun even shone briefly. That’s right American readers we use the metric system here along with most of the rest of the world to tell temperature, so when I speak of cone 10 pottery I do mean 1285 Celsius, it’s not under fired.

I’m really not much of a storyteller and will probably not write much on this blog but I will take the time to post the coming events/shows I am participating in as well as progress in and around the studio. One goal I do have and it’s been a 20 year dream is to finish my gas reduction kiln. Life always seemed to throw something at me to get me going in another direction. If I can fix my leaky roof this year, its mildly important, complete my front porch and a kitchen I am building for someone in exchange of services then I will get to it I promise myself. In the meantime, cheers to 2019, I will try to be a better person, control my impulses and wish for peace in the middle east. Forget that last one, I’ve lost all hope. Hoping people build bridges, not walls, Happy New Year, may you make the most of it. Liking my own post by accident..